Writing stories? Here’s help with your email outreach [swipe copy]

Writing stories? Here’s help with your email outreach [swipe copy]

What's your story writing process? What steps do you follow to collect the information you need to write a great story? If it's similar to mine, your process might look something like this: Make a list of the people or organizations you will feature in your stories....

Roundup for nonprofit communicators: my help with managing your blog

Roundup for nonprofit communicators: my help with managing your blog

Earlier this summer, I shared a roundup of posts from this blog about how to tackle various nonprofit copywriting projects.

Based on the response, it seems that you really liked having an archive of past articles pulled together for you like this. So I decided to create a new roundup for you, this time on the topic of managing your nonprofit’s blog. Once again, the article range from earlier this summer to a few years old, but if you need help with your role as “blog managing editor”, the advice still stands.

Five reasons why designers and developers want you to put content first

Five reasons why designers and developers want you to put content first

Whether content is king, queen or some other player, I believe that developing it should be your first move.

Too often, nonprofits treat content as an afterthought. Problems are created when the need for content is only acknowledged and addressed after design – and in the case of web projects – development.

Here are five reasons designers believe content comes first…

Six reasons why your nonprofit should NOT have a blog

Six reasons why your nonprofit should NOT have a blog

Can your nonprofit organization benefit from blogging? Yes, it can. There are many benefits of blogging , which have potential for virtually any nonprofit organization.

But this doesn’t automatically mean that now is the right time for your nonprofit to start a blog. The right time to start a blog depends on your context, your tech, your capacity and your priorities – as I explain in this post.

Three book recommendations for nonprofit content marketers

Three book recommendations for nonprofit content marketers

If you’re a nonprofit communicator who is curious about or getting started with content marketing, I have three book recommendations for you. Together, these books will give you a foundation of understanding content strategy and writing along with a beginning-to-end understanding of content marketing from planning to evaluation. All three books are highly valued items in my own library and are sure to give you a solid start if you need one.

More nonprofits using content marketing, but less reporting effectiveness: new research report

More nonprofits using content marketing, but less reporting effectiveness: new research report

More nonprofits are using content marketing. Though it’s still a new discipline for many nonprofit organizations, those who are using content marketing are using more tactics than before. And while effective content marketing remains a challenge, there are lessons to be learned from those who are performing well. These are just a few insights released today in Nonprofit Content Marketing 2016: Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends—North America.

The release of this report today by Content Marketing Institute (CMI) and Blackbaud marks the third year of an annual survey; this year, including 404 nonprofit marketers representing a full range of organization classifications, function area and sizes.

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